**Describe the bug** selenium 4 GetDevToolSession not work in browserless throw exception **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. connect browserless locathost:3000/webdriver 2. driver.GetDevToolSession(); -> cdp: ws://{host}/devtools/{sessionId}/page" but can't...
HI, I'm using autoupdate but I have problem. When I run my program the update works fine. However, if it registers as a startup program, reboots the computer and runs...
## Looking for some help? Get priority support by [sponsoring the project]( **Before you file a bug, have you:** * Tried upgrading to newest version of PuppeteerSharp, to see if...
## Looking for some help? Get priority support by [sponsoring the project]( **Before you file a bug, have you:** * Tried upgrading to newest version of PuppeteerSharp, to see if...
Pr: Change the PluginEvasion class to public so that Remove can be called from outside. related links: stealth Plugin detected on [Gmail&Google] after Login page reflects the issue. Info:...
It's success on window machine , but Throw exception on mac machine. how to resolve.. TearDown : RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateCompilationException : Errors while compiling a Template. Please try the following to solve...
exception message no displayed in SparkStepDetails.cshtml and Log.cshtml when exception occurs . Only the call stack is displayed .
Create and add a link to the text file:"click to view text"); It's work in klov report? I need a log file upload.