Najam Sikander Awan
Najam Sikander Awan
that would be like unity like experience dont you think? me personally happy with one defualt app. rest of the apps i luanch with roifi or keybindings.
i think you should divert your attention to system tray like thing. like opening wifi manager on your icon, date time with picker. so they become more responsive and useful.
no worries about widgets people can always go back to nm-applet as you hinted. i got that recently used apps concept first time. it wont be huge grid true but...
mmm no update so far. better not use it
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list[Learn More] semantic.min.js:16:3023 console showing this.
it asks for go cam permission that i give. but nothing shows up in video player so i checked console which was showing following error. SyntaxError: missing ) after argument...
replacing following video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); with video.srcObject = stream; seems to work in firefox.
nope. i tried to ask co-worker to show their face on cam. since didnt train model on their face. i was expecting some error message but instead the camera icon...
i check on my co-workers machines using chrome still same errors. I think underlaying apis for html5 stuff got changed and they require minor fixes to work as expected.
my pull request will be broken as its not working in chrome. but if i make it work in chrome sure.