
Results 5 issues of naja-sirina

Hello! I try to install SIFRank, but I have error: "No module named 'allennlp.commands.elmo'" Do you know, what can I do with it? I read that the current version of...

Hello! I try to install your classifier ang get error: Failed building wheel for python-igraph Stored in directory: c:\users\guest\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\7d\1d\2c\a4989f424c14d3f3bb5ab05a470275cf1d8f69857d81249b22 Building wheel for python-igraph ( ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error And thereafter...

Hello! Could you tell me, please, how can I use your code on my own data? For example I have a vectors of words organised by tf-idf scheme. What should...

Hello! I've read your publication about HDLTex, and now I want to try it on my data. Could you give me please examples of using HDLTex on WoS data? And...

Hello! I am very interested in your tool. I try to run it on my own data. Could you tell me, please, for my own data i need to use...