Yohan Hadjedj
Yohan Hadjedj
Hello, I don't think you can resize the switch component, at least not with this old MaterialUI project :) You should check out the latest and updated release on the...
PS: I could easily do a nice EditorWindow ;)
Hello, What platform are you targeting?
What version of Unity are you using?
Hum... are you sure you're on Android? Seems like you're targeting WebPlayer that is not supported. Go to File -> BuildSettings and switch to Android platform.
I don't understand a single thing of what you said, sorry lol
Okay, it seems I can just create a panel, and add a Button and RippleConfig script on it? Can you confirm this is the correct way to do that? Even...
I think this tool need something like a fully selectable "complex" component. It's just a background (any size we want) that act like a button (hover, ripple etc...) and on...
Exactly :) So we could use that for example in a scroll list of contacts. So maybe without the shadow?
Hum... Yes exactly like this :)