Nagib Mahfuj
Nagib Mahfuj
check this solution for reference
Any solution to this issue, I'm also having this problem :(
Lastly I did this to resolve on my server.js file. ```javascript const server = express(); server.use(function(req, res, next) { try { decodeURIComponent(req.originalUrl); } catch (err) { res.redirect(301, "/"); next(err); }...
Hi @fridays , please update this repo for next js 7. Constantly failing especially in IE 11
Fixed by using: `static::deleted(function ($user) { $user->getElasticSearchClient()->delete($user->getBasicEsParams()); });` Anyone has better solution?
> We're working on it this month @salkhwlani Any update?
@salkhwlani Appreciate your work, if there is any update, let us know
@salkhwlani @thaifanisalla any progress update on phase 2?