Cal Bryant
Cal Bryant
I can confirm this is an issue on `go version go1.20.8 linux/amd64`
hm, would it be possible to have a CLI version of the macro editor controlled by commands?
I hope so.
Yep, good idea. I'd be happy to merge a PR for that + an IPv6 flag
It is! Use `setuid` root, with a `dsnet` group to decide who can run `dsnet`.
I guess it could be added as an option or env var. Not possible, I think, unless there's a `setcap` that gives the right permissions
Thanks @thatInfrastructureGuy -- will merge soon
Hi @iK4tsu -- they don't yet
Actually perhaps that's a good idea idea. It could be a task status. I have been using the `rm` command to close a task as abandoned. Semantics: isn't, resolved might...
No I think you're right! I think `note` should become `annotate`, leaving an alias `note`. I think `resolve` is more consistent too, and matches the database