@akexorcist i'm facing same issue. App crashes for first time.
@akexorcist I found the scenario. if I change locale after retuning a different locale from getDefaultLanguage(base: Context). (for very first time)
@Stupidman22 @huunhan18pro @CNdev16 I resolved this issue. You have to create a webview instance (programmatically) and destroy it. (just do it in on create). Find the helper class in the...
@Stupidman22 I solved the exact same issue by just creating an WebView() object. Like WebView(context).destroy() ->> in onCreate() of activity Did you try this?
@akexorcist I can see you have resolved the crash issue (saw in commits) but when I try updating library from 1.2.9 -> 1.2.10 but ended with the following error. **Could...
@akexorcist Thanks!!!! Crash issue is resolved!