Dear Andreas, Thank you for your quick response. At the moment evaluating Kotori to be used in an IoT solution for use in Industry. In the scenario of this evaluation,...
Hi again, We could update the "influxdb-python client library" module by the "influxdb-client-python" module In the link We check a note: Note: Use this client library (influxdb-client-python) with InfluxDB...
Dear Andreas, This project can serve as an inspiration (Coded in JS): > This adapter saves state history into InfluxDB. > The adapter supports InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x The...
Test with: ESP ISO POE - Olimex Compiling microPython with espressif SDK 4.4 for ESP32 MicroPython v1.19.1-409-g0e8c2204d on 2022-09-19; ESP32 module with ESP32 Type "help()" for more information. >>> %Run...
import machine import network machine.reset() lan = network.LAN(Id=0, mdc=machine.Pin(23), mdio=machine.Pin(18), power=None, phy_type=network.PHY_LAN8720, phy_addr=1) The trick was realizing a machine.reset() is needed to change any of the parameters. ref: