
Results 7 issues of Nadia

My cell in FSPagerView is not just an image view and text , actually my cell should have an image view , 3 label and 2 button in it. i...

it is not expand and collapse correctly in andriod 9

![screen shot 2018-10-02 at 11 30 04 am 2]( i get the notification and wana get the loc_key in data. it gets the data correctly but cant get the loc_key...

for other language like Persian it seperate the word! ![screen shot 2019-01-21 at 2 28 07 pm](

when i use it in viewDidLoad Or viewWillAppear myImg.loadGif(name: "GifImgName") this error occur : Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue

How can i add a quality selector with auto option like first picture in repository [sample]( is there any documantation how to use it ? i follow the usage section...

after i define .setShowcaseDrawer in multiple showcase ,in second showcase when i touch screen one of my button comes up. i want to hide showcase everytime in screen touch. how...