Nadav Wiener

Results 5 issues of Nadav Wiener

When encoding sensitive data, the last thing we want is to see "failed to encode size of [{ 'password': 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' }]" end up in our log. This message is generated...


the [`switch`]( and `switchMap` operators, as described in Rx (and also implemented in Monix), are very useful. For anyone not familiar with it, `switch` operates over a stream of streams,...

`DockerPermissionStrategy.MultiStage` is made available from Docker 17.05 onwards. However, it generates a `COPY --chown`, which is only available from 17.09 onwards. As a result we encounter failures running `docker build`...


We are about to roll out Scala Steward to some 70 private repos. We have our own internal libraries (all having the same groupId) for which we want minors and...

Deriving for a case class works great: ```scala @Semi(Show) case class Foo(a: Int) ``` Derivation for ADT's is a bit brittle though: ```scala @Semi(Show) sealed trait Tree case class Node(nodes:...