mathias uhl

Results 8 comments of mathias uhl

well you could check with Linux via hciconfig if the host has a Bluetooth capability and then just add the adapter

hciconfig is included in the default installation of Debian (9,10), ubuntu and raspbian/raspberry os and is part of the bluez package. Maybe someone can check centos / arc usw..

I did and now its: `2021-12-28 12:53:32 FTL 401 Unauthorized stage=bitbucket url=` I have now **user** with the org, **username** with my user name, and **password** with the app password.

Well... I gave it all the rights. But I just recreated the app password with just projects and repo read. ` FTL 401 Unauthorized stage=bitbucket url= I now removed all...

well I guess there are no real secrets in there. I did a little video and yes I revoked all the passwords

incredible! Thank you that did the trick.

Did anybody try to run the new version on a Raspberry Cluster?

Ja bei mir siehts genauso aus. Zudem ist irgendwie deutlich weniger States in der neuen Version.