Ignacio Astaburuaga

Results 2 issues of Ignacio Astaburuaga

1. Stratux version: Latest Source, `7eeb32acf6fa31dc86ac94f95975e573f2619ae4` 2. Stratux config: SDR: `single` ? IDK GPS: `no` AHRS: `no` 3. EFB app and version: EFB platform: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) armv7l EFB...

OctoPrint Version: `OctoPrint 1.5.3 Python 2.7.16 OctoPi 0.17.0` PrintTimeGenius Version (if you know): `2.2.7` Cura: `4.8.0` What did you try: Checked my config (M503). Checked that the commands M201, 202...