
Results 4 comments of naboo-sy

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.customize ["sharedfolder", "add", :id, "--name", "www", "--hostpath", (("//?/" + File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/www").gsub("/","\\"))] end config.vm.provision :shell, inline: "mkdir /home/vagrant/www" config.vm.provision :shell, inline: "mount -t vboxsf -o uid=`id...

function createParagraph() { let para = document.createElement('p'); para.textContent = 'You clicked the button!'; document.body.appendChild(para); } /* 1. Get references to all the buttons on the page in an array format....

function create Paragraph() { let para = document.createElement('p'); para.textContent = 'You clicked the button!'; document.body.appendChild(para); } /* 1. Get references to all the buttons on the page in an array...

Type “g++ –version” in command prompt