An article about interface{} Nil comparaison and how to deal with it :
Hi @IDCOLL , I have build 2 custom docker images based on meteord with 8.11.2 node version `8.11.2_dumb-init` starts the application with dumb-init to avoid having plenty of zombies...
You need to change the image. No addtional build instructions. Meteor 1.6 is compatible with Node 8, so it should work fine.
Yes i usally use : ```js const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-webgl', '--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas', '--disable-gpu' ] }); ```
@wildhart thanks for the reference
Unfortunately, I don't have anymore the docker file I have used to build the image but I tried to recreate it again for node 12 using [image layers from Dockerhub](
I am using mlab too with the same URL format and it's working with the following configuration: Meteor 1.7 , MongoDB : 3.6 Maybe you need to use simple quote...
Any update about this PR ?
I have the same problem with an Id generated by Mongodb plugin ( ObjectId ). My workaround solution - define a page context attribute with g:set tag to build a...
You can use the new ! syntax for versions in your ./meteor/versions file to fix coffeescript version problem. [email protected]_1!