Results 16 issues of nPHYN1T3

So I've been playing around with this (glad to see it's back...I used to use the old GUI version like 20 years ago) and noticed something odd. If I'm looking...

### Platform Garuda (Arch) Soaring ### GPU, drivers, and screen setup nVidia 515.57 GTX 1060 GTX 1660 ### glxinfo -B Output name of display: :0.1 display: :0 screen: 0 direct...

### Platform Garuda Linux [Arch] (XFCE - without the XFCE) ### GPU, drivers, and screen setup nVidia 510.54 running GTX 1660 & GTX 1060 3 XScreens with 8 monitors ###...

When Opensnitch is running applications on other XScreens will lock up. I would "guess" this is due to a prompt that won't display because it's on an XScreen other than...

Prosody 0.11.2 & Pidgin 2.12.0 (libpurple 2.12.0) All I get in my logs is Skip carbons for offline user but the user is not offline. I have several test accounts/machines...

I was wondering if this isn't implemented yet but the browser won't resize with the terminal. So you have to launch it at the size you want, i.e. go big...


arma3-unix-launcher: symbol lookup error: arma3-unix-launcher: undefined symbol: _ZN6spdlog7details7log_msgC1ENS_10source_locEN3fmt2v917basic_string_viewIcEENS_5level10level_enumES6_

#### Runtime Environment - Operating system and version: Arch / Garuda - Terminal emulator and version: URXVT v9.31 - Python version: 3.11.5 - Ranger version/commit: 1.9.3 - Locale: en_US.UTF-8 ####...

I've noticed some times I will open sc-im and it is unresponsive to input. However if I ctrl-c it will give me a prompt for :q + enter to quit...

#### Your system information * Mar 24 2023 @ 17:20:43 * Garuda (Arch) * No Beta * System is always current #### Please describe your issue in as much detail...

Steam client
Distro Family: Arch