
Results 5 issues of n8xm

If I run the following code: ```python from sophus import SE3 import numpy as np import math angle = math.pi/4; T1 = SE3.rotX(angle) T1_numpy = T1.matrix(); T2_numpy = np.array([[1, 0,...

Documentation is about Sundials 6, but in the sidebar it still says "Sundials 5". This PR fixes that.

Extended the `.gitignore` with some common files that should be ignored: 1. ctags file 2. [JSON compilation database](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) 3. `runlog` file 1) and 2) are often generated during C++ development...

On [Line 308 of Nyx.cpp](https://github.com/AMReX-Astro/Nyx/blob/05ccb5950c4fc9979dec253b89319ae5ae58bac8/Source/Driver/Nyx.cpp#L308), the value of `do_hydro` is used in the following if statement : ``` if (DefaultGeometry().isAnyPeriodic() || (!do_dm_particles && !do_hydro)) ``` However, this if statement comes...

Now we can autocomplete the citekey when using `pubs url`, just like we can with other commands.