
Results 9 comments of n4s

We still need this :( How can I use Your web hooks? They call my url, but nothing is inside neither GET or POST. It is just simple url call...

Time is running out. It has become law here in Denmark and the whole of Europe will follow soon. Invoicing is an important task that must remain free. Lets join...

Im not sure my technical knowhow is great enought, but maybe it could be. If there is anything I can do from here in Denmark let me know. I am...

@turbo124 Thanks for the headsup. I am not looking to resell product, just to facilitate its use and help business get their own installation on their own servers, and provide...

Here in Denmark You kindof have to have it these days. I suppose there are ways to implement it all, or another easier way to use a bridge service that...

@johannes73 do You have experience with this? I wonder what else is required, - you have to be able to deliver and receive einvoices here in Europe at least we...

@SamHassanAU could this maybe work in Denmark ? In which case I'm interested to learn more...

Hi there. It is a complete business ecosystem with ERP and Accounting, and report writing. Tmux is one of many components. It relies on all of this software: html2ps php...

Hi, can we make it on the list? Its definitely the list that is best suited, not awesome-tmux list.