> I have tried it and I get an Internal Server Error. something in errorlogs? > How do you configure it when you have placed the front controller in public/index.php?...
Cant reproduce your problems, tried the redirect router component and the redirect within a controller without a problem ```php
```php $app->get('/test1/test2/test3/', function (Request $request, Response $response) { $response->getBody()->write('Hello test 123!'); return $response; })->setName('testtarget'); $app->redirect('/test1/route/redirect/', $app->getRouteCollector()->getRouteParser()->urlFor('testtarget'), 302); $app->get('/test1/test2/redirect/', function (Request $request, Response $response) use($app) { $routeParser = $app->getRouteCollector()->getRouteParser(); return $response->withHeader('Location',...
Only the direct download of episodes works because of hcaptcha.
I think the repo is dead, @DasKraken last commit is 4 months ago. I fixed it in my fork,
ok i will look into it. (ubuntu 20.04 vm should be fine i guess)
I added a linux binary https://github.com/n0x073/CR-dl/releases/tag/v4.0.2 you can try this until i fixed the problem.
Does this still appears and how many subtitles did you download? If you produce too much traffic, they can block you, thats not a problem with crdl i think. but...