Was this ever addressed?
Make sure you download the `` file which can be found in the README or at the following link (under the "Assets" dropdown) . When you unzip it you'll...
Was having a similar conversation recently as I have a super basic modular framework that's similar to IFTTT meant for security teams to build their own modules around. As I'm...
I have experience with coding Puppeteer scripts and I'm willing to start either implementing fixes for #175 #80 #130 as independent code samples in preparation for `pyppeteer` or to start...
Alright cool, I will start working on getting that implemented on my fork. Planning to do this in 3 phases across two milestones which I think align well with the...
Looking forward to this feature. Thanks for the hacky workaround as well, I have a few pages I'd like to continue monitoring for new content but I was worried about...
Searching github for `sqlite3` inside `requirements.txt` turned up a handful of projects that did in fact have packages from the Python Standard Library inside of them, which to @joohoi point...
Sorry to bump my own issue but I found the `setProMode();` function in the Extension which can be triggered using the Chrome console and enables at least the keyboard/context menu...