I made a sample code for capture rgb and depth data with librealsense2, and display them with JavaFX11. It's too late response, but I hope this helps someone. RealSenseCapture.java ```java:RealSenseCapture.java...
add above display sample to PR
I committed Nvidia NVENC as well. As far as I know, there is no other hardware codecs in ffmpeg. I think this issue can be closed.
As for OpenCL, it's currently only used for filtering, encoding/decoding is not supported for now. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/HWAccelIntro And official ffmpeg seems not to be built with `--enable-opencl` for windows platform. Apparently...
I modified to add CUDA option for only linux-x86_64 and windows-x86_64. BTW, CUDA option is originally for ARM platform because librealsense2 supports only SSE and CUDA backend, NEON is not...
Actually I don't understand GitHub Actions at all, but I'll try to learn.
I did build success on pure arm platform with CUDA, but I'm not sure whether we can build CUDA with cross compiling. GitHub Actions may have ARM actions function? If...
I found CUDA is not supported by ARM except for Jetson. So I removed ARM build from GitHub Actions workflow, but cuda build option is left so that we can...
@saudet I think this can be closed