Pixelweb cannot locate files in linux: ``` Console Mapped: lightgun # of Times to Loop: null alt text if game file not found: Looking for: /userdata/system/pixelcade/console\lightgun.png or .gif ``` Please...
The console logs that the system is looking for console\system.png or .gif but the code requires it to be consoles/default-system.(png|gif) https://github.com/alinke/PIXEL/blob/b8a5525e239510edd7f9151f747b3b6ae6d79ab2/pixel-web-enabled/src/main/java/org/onebeartoe/web/enabled/pixel/controllers/ConsoleHttpHandler.java#L294 `Looking for: /userdata/system/pixelcade/console\lightgun.png or .gif` Additionally, you should be...
Go version: go version go1.21.5 linux/amd64 Go-SDL2 version: v0.4.36 SDL2 version: 2.26.5+dfsg-1 OS: debian Architecture: amd64 When attempting to compile any of the examples, I get the following error: ```...
Full disclosure: I'm working off a KiCad PCB that was converted to KiCad format from EasyEDA JSON. This might be the cause of issues. Some footprints are rotated when they...
This pull request adds --rotation-values as an arg to pcbdraw. It accepts a comma separated list of colon separated values. An example: `--rotation-values "R1:90,R2:270"` This allows for variances in SVGs...
PicoLed::Fade is undocumented and has no accompanying example.
Seems like something is terribly wrong with the build. Can you verify that the size is supposed to be this big? Also, it would be nice if md5/sha sums were...
See https://github.com/JakeWharton/mkvdts2ac3/issues/73 for more details
When starting bluebubbles-desktop-app installed via deb the UI is transparent and the server is unable to connect. The following logs appear in the console when started from terminal: ``` Starting...