Why not implement/use sublime syntax files? This is very robust and would solve all micro’s issues with syntax highlighting. Unfortunately, unreliable syntax highlighting is a real show stopper for...
Thanks a lot, it works as I expected now :-). I had already tried `-sDEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE` but it didn’t work probably because of the missing `$`, which by the way had...
And to answer your question, no I am not building with `-sERROR_ON_DEFINED_SYMBOLS=0`. In `—pre-js` (or `—post-js`), I am just adding to Module the functions that I want to execute from...
Thanks a lot for this very quick feedback. Looks like tcgetattr and tcsetattr are not implemented when compiled with "-lnodefs.js -lnoderawfs.js" as I get a runtime error. No error otherwise,...
Yes indeed, I am only targeting nodejs (not the Web). Are you suggesting that I need to modify emcc itself, or that I should write some kind of hook to...
OK, thank you, I will look into "library_noderawfs.js" to try to make it work as expected. I would have preferred not to do so, as I will then need to...
OK, thanks a lot for your feedback, I have started to look into this, and I think that the chance I succeed is quite low as I am neither proficient...