Michael Zöllner
Michael Zöllner
Hi all, we are accepting PRs for this, if you want to add that functionality to the library.
Hi @Exocomp, this is dependent on when the event is triggered by the browser. It could be that on Safari the event isn't triggered until the scrolling has finished. That...
Hi @blackTea2Codes, I don't know why that happens in Safari 11 and IE11. We are not prioritizing support for those browsers in our project, so we won't look into issues...
Hi, sorry about the delay with this. I just pushed the latest version. This makes the package compatible with both Angular 8 and 9. We tested Ivy support in Angular...
Hi @szyb, I have pushed a couple of updates to this library to npm. Can you try the latest version with your IVY branch and let me know if it...
Hi @lakshmaji, not sure I understand your question. You can use this library with any logic. It doesn't have to be loading of images. It's just a good example to...
Hi @naveedahmed1, that's a great suggestion. Would you mind creating a PR for it ?
Nice little library. +1 for bower integration. @bennadel Please pull it in