When I use (read) or (read-line) in slime-repl, it became very very slow when input. And I disable mode one by one. Last I find it came with ac-mode.
For support and discussions, please use our [Discourse forums]( If you've found a bug then please create an issue with the following information: **Describe the bug** [PaddleSpeech-Server](描述说语音识别服务支持pcm和wav两种格式,但输入pcm格式文件时,报以下错误: > raise LibsndfileError(err,...
执行以下代码时,会连接``,即便在本地已存在模型的情况下也是如此 ```python asr_executor(model='conformer_u2pp_online_wenetspeech', lang='zh', sample_rate=16000, config=None, ckpt_path=None, audio_file=fname) ```
例如,下面是在“退出”指示下,两次调用了`log_out` ``` bot response: [ { 'content': '', 'function_call': {'arguments': '{}', 'name': 'log_out'}, 'role': 'assistant'}, {'content': '{"结果": "再见"}', 'name': 'log_out', 'role': 'function'}, { 'content': '', 'function_call': {'arguments': '{}', 'name': 'log_out'},...