Results 10 issues of SmileSky

For example, I have an application called "my_app" that uses a global keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL). When the frame of egui has input focus, "my_app" cannot receive any global hook events....


1. 微软的UIAumation是支持监听某些事件的,如某个控件被聚焦,但现在python没有实现,希望将来可以实现。 2. 还希望可以支持异步编程,因为从3.8的python之后,asyncio库已经很成熟,使用也很方便,希望可以把所有的函数都改成async的,因为在代码里面我发现有很多的地方有time.sleep(),这个函数是很糟糕的,会让整个线程睡眠,导致所有的函数都无法运行,使用了异步方法的话就不会,因为使用await asyncio.sleep()的睡眠仅仅会睡眠当前的异步函数,别的函数仍然可以继续运行,这样是非常高性能的。

### What is the problem or limitation you are having? There are two main issues: 1. I hope to add build plugins that PyCharm can use instead of using CMD...


My code is ```rust let (text, _, _) = GBK.encode("abc‎"); dbg!(&text); ``` Output: ```text &text = [ 97, 98, 99, 38, 35, 56, 50, 48, 54, 59, ] ``` The...

Candle provides an example of YOLOv8, which is very useful to use. But I don't know how to train on my own dataset? Can handle directly load the model trained...

现在模型速度推理本身也不慢,在cpu上的速度都可以接受,所以我感觉是否可以进一步压缩模型,稍微损失音质的情况下部署到没有gpu的设备或移动设备。 例如把模型体积压缩到100MB以内,cpu一秒内可以合成10秒的音频,也希望可以支持c++的推理或rust的推理。

This crate is called accessibility, and I think it should cover more interfaces and operating systems, such as IAccessible2Lib on Windows. I am currently developing a screen reader project (

I have an onnx model converted from pytorch, but encountered an error using candle inference. I have confirmed that this onnx model can work properly on Python. I also checked...

When I use Filter to query data, how do I use the ObjectId within the database for querying?

I have created a new project: ```shell cargo new test --lib cd test ``` File src/ ```rust use android_activity::AndroidApp; use j4rs::jni_sys::{JavaVM, jint, jobject}; use j4rs::JvmBuilder; #[no_mangle] fn android_main(app: AndroidApp) {...