Results 15 issues of Lateef Alabi-Oki

Can you provide the following explicit APIs? `MarksDisableSigns` `MarksDisableAllSigns` `MarksEnableSigns` `MarksEnableAllSigns` I need these APIs for my distraction-free settings. Also, `MarksToggleSigns` will be a lot more useful if there's an...

Is it possible to provide a widget that shows when a buffer, project, or workspace has diagnostic issues?


I prefer the number, sign, and fold columns to use the default background color, `bg0`. As it stands, I can only change the background color of the number and sign...

The older `nvim-compe` had these options, and I loved them. In fact, I resisted switching to `nvim-cmp` for so long because I had tweaked the completion behavior to perfection and...

help wanted

## Issue Summary When my computer resumes from sleep, custom ticking sounds stop working. I often have to toggle `Prefrences -> Plugins... -> Sounds` to get it working again. ##...

I'm looking for a quick way to execute vim commands without writing functions, like so. `nnoremap([[keymap]], {Command1, Command2, Command3}, silent)` So if the second function in `nnoremap` is a table,...


Can you provide an API to `enable`, `disable`, `hide`, and `show` fidget? This is useful for users who don't want any distractions in `InsertMode` or `ZenMode`.

### Description When `Telescope buffers` are restored from a session, the `last jump position` is ignored in the previewer and also when opening buffers. ### Neovim version ```markdown NVIM v0.8.0-dev-989-g2828aae7b...


I get the following error when I try to run this in `hyprland` with `wayland`. ``` Failed to get primary monitor from GTK. Try explicitly specifying the monitor on your...

### Neovim version (nvim -v) v0.8.0-dev-872-gbccb5de89 ### Language server name/version ALL ### Operating system/version Fedora 36 Linux ### Steps to reproduce using "nvim -u minimal_init.lua" 1. Call `vim.lsp.buf_detach_client({bufnr}, {client_id})` programmatically....
