Jeff Creswell
Jeff Creswell
Hi Stephen, I tried your steps above, but the result was the same-- ClassNotFoundException for com.stericson.RootTools.containers.RootClass thanks, ccj
could something going wrong during the construction of anbuild.dex cause this error? I've cleaned the project, removed the old anbuild.dex, rebuilt the project and then anbuild.dex, and re-installed the app...
sidenote: OSX creates .DS_Store files in any directory Finder has entered to keep track of metadata for the GUI; if an OSX user has entered $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools with Finder the .DS_Store...
Can there be more than one @RootClass.candidate annotated class in an app using JavaCommandCapture? I looked at the dexdump of my anbuild.dex and I only saw instances of com.stericson.RootTools.containers.RootClass associated...
In JavaCommandCapture's constructor parameters, what is the significance of the id argument?
I tried including the RootTools source code with my app build, but the result is the same as above. Below follows the unfiltered logcat history around when I use JavaCommandCapture:...
and here is the dexdump content of my anbuild.dex file: [CODE] Processing './anbuild.dex'... Opened './anbuild.dex', DEX version '035' Class #0 - Class descriptor : 'Lcom/mycompany/fmdelver/core/DelverActivity$1;' Access flags : 0x0000 ()...