Tinne Mylemans
Tinne Mylemans
If you're considering implement this, there is nothing preventing you adding some sort of signature to the callback uri, so that Noti can verify it received a 'callback' that it...
I see, at least on macOS, that there is a trackEvent with withTypedProperties, does .NET have this too now, and if so, what does it do? Or is everything still...
Could you merge this PR @David-Desmaisons, if possible.
Same here @ PhpStorm 2022.2.1
Any update? I'm considering usage of this library but I'll need support for 2mb+ files for sure :)
@vikasjain6 And the error? What is the result of this code for you?
> @mylemans what can we do do get the change in a new release? Why are you asking me? ;D
@mfn I have no experience with this in PHP, but can't you simply wrap the tmpfile resource in a custom 'Stream' that simply does not do the fclose bit on...
We handle notices as errors, and use Carbon, and therefor cannot start using this library like this.
@RichardStyles Same question as npostman :s