Tinne Mylemans
Tinne Mylemans
> Despite the fix I am still getting this issue - if the job fails, status stay as 'retrying', although the job is moved to the failed_jobs table by Laravel...
@imTigger Any idea when you'll publish a new release with this fix?
Noticed same issue today (and some others too.. but yes, without the new 'backend' used, when selecting previous mutations you do not see the 'old' value but the 'final' one)
> Is vuex-router-sync going to support vue3? I believe this issue is related to that, but I might be wrong. FYI: I'm having this issue on vue2 edit: Seem to...
Any chance of getting a 'working hello world' example that showcases this? :)
@dk-ok Ever got this working?
We're still having this issue, any update? Or any workaround available (like a trick to delay the next requests until the first is finished?)
I have a similar issue, and for my project it is easy to get in the faulted state: Simple startup the site, and while its starting (first request is loading)...
Is this waiting on anything specific before being accepted?
Looks interesting, when will this be included?