Results 37 issues of Michael Macnair

A few other minor changes: ignored signals are configurable; afl-tmin return code is checked; unused imports removed. The stdin support is fairly ugly, but it allowed me to do it...

install the C extension

Due for release March 3.

There isn't time to cover it in the typical 4hr format, but people might find it valuable to have in the materials to work on after or if they're doing... challenges from


#126 was mistaken - tags change over time, you're more likely to use the same tag as last time than you are one you used a lot last year.


At the moment detailed logs aren't sent to the console. Either send them to the console in CI mode, or save the log file as an artifact.

Due to


Pressing enter when you have a tag selected in autocomplete just selects the tag. If you're done, you then have to press enter again. Having ctrl+enter add the tag and...

(node:22167) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 exit listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit A listener is being added for each test in the whole e2e suite, and...

help wanted