Results 35 comments of Michael Macnair

You probably need something like: ```

From what I can see [`this.input.focus()`]( isn't being called. It's not clear to me whether `this.input` is meant to be a ref to the Autosuggest component or to the input...

Ah think I've cracked it, in the example given the ref ends up pointing to the Autosuggest component, when it should be to the Autosuggest's input component. Here is the...

@nvh95 you're welcome. I don't think this component is being maintained though - the last commit was ~2 years ago.

Per-repository access is the main thing I'd look for here. I'm fine with giving this level of access to a specific repository that I've chosen, but not to all my...

I saw that chromedriver seemed to be trying to launch Chrome with a remote debugging port of 0, so tried adding this: ` chromeDriverArgs: ["--remote-debugging-port=9515", "--verbose"],` to the spectron Application...

Thanks for the complete example, here's a version that shows what I meant. ```rego package main deny_root[msg] { input.kind == "Deployment" c = input.spec.template.spec.containers[_] not c.securityContext.runAsNonRoot msg := sprintf("container %s...

Perhaps it is, I struggled to follow 453 tbh. Definitely in the same ballpark.

(just in case it got lost in the discussion of the test: the important part of this report is the incorrect behaviour of `verify --data`)

Here's a fairly minimal example of the difference in behaviour of opa's bundles vs conftest's --data. ```sh $ cat a/dir/data.json {"v":1} $ cat a/p.rego ``` ```rego package main import data.dir...