Phillip Pearson
Phillip Pearson
Step #1 - "ftl": INFO pip_download_wheels took 281 seconds Step #1 - "ftl": INFO build process for FTL image took 517 seconds Step #1 - "ftl": INFO full build took...
The problem is that tmpfs mounts in ChromeOS are now noexec, so you can't drop a script in /tmp and execute it (which breaks the bootstrap script), and /usr/local/ is...
Thank you! I haven't touched this project in years; I'm glad to hear it was helpful (if buggy) for someone. I'll see about getting this code in.
@shifty-d I'll check in with the other Borealis folks to see if anyone has any suggestions. I've confirmed that pointer lock doesn't appear to be working in my latest Sommelier...
Poking around in the Chrome source: handles the Wayland message; when it gets a pointer lock request, it calls pointer->ConstrainPointer, which is in I'm guessing that Crouton windows...
I’m afraid I’m not very familiar with Lacros. It’s Linux Chrome on ChromeOS, and apparently has its own Wayland socket that supports pointer lock, according to the comments in the...
Aforementioned internal engineer here :) **TL;DR: Cloud SQL and App Engine support emojis and 4-byte UTF-8, but 'OPTIONS': {'charset': 'utf8mb4'} in your Django settings file will result in "Can't initialize...
Huh, I must have been ignoring GitHub notifications or something; I didn't spot any of your comments until just now. Anyway, yay, glad to see my fix finally made it...
Would it be possible to rebase this on the matching version from the tedchoward/Frontier repo? That would make it easier to sync things up later, if someone wanted to take...