How difficult would it be to update this code to python3? I assume mostly just changing print but would there be dependency issues?
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/app../public/index.html'] { errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: '/app../public/index.html', expose: false, statusCode: 404, status: 404
Data persistence behavior does not seem aligned with what folks may expect given other DBs. For example, if I make a MongoDB data/db folder for development, I can connect and...
Not sure if this affects everyone but with the example provided, I noticed you have to add protocol (http, etc.) to the request parameter for the site to take a...
Here is what I'm getting with GCC 5, ubuntu 16.04, a gtx 1080, cuda 8.0 RC, nvidia drivers 367.44 ``` num traning images: 82783 82783 iterations, 2 epochs Traceback (most...
Hey there. This issue started recently when importing deeppy in a python shell (just checking to see that all works properly at the time) "ImportError: libcudart.so.7.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"...
I'm limited by the Amazon instance. I can buy a server with a K80 and 12GB of VRAM but I'd also be willing to pay more for slower processing on...
If i upload a dataset there is a feature to remove it somewhere, no?
Hey. ``` const otherRequester = new snoowrap({ userAgent: 'put your user-agent string here', clientId: 'put your client id here', clientSecret: 'put your client secret here', username: 'put your username here',...