Thanks for developing the `PSFPhotometry` and `IterativePSFPhotometry` classes! I have been using them to extract stars from JWST images and they appear to be working quite well. However, I noticed...
Hello, I'm finding that when I try to use setup_sim_to_match_file on an F323N NRCB5 module that the setup_sim_to_match_file function returns the NRCA5 webbpsf grid. When I do: ``` inst =...
Hello, I am using webbpsf to generate PSFs for NIRCam F323N images. However, where I use the function `setup_sim_to_match_file`, it returns the F322W2 PSF instead, which is quite different. Looking...
Consider adding BOSZ atmosphere grid:
Super-solar Geneva evolution models are now available: These would be useful for the Galactic Center, among other science cases.