Martin Wildfeuer
Martin Wildfeuer
Thanks @ergunkocak, I will be looking into this very soonish 👍 🥇
Thanks @rohit-khanna 💯
Thanks, I will check on that!
Sorry, I did not make it yet :( I already have a new version with several improvements on the way, but it will take some time. One thing that should...
Hi aganemnam, I will have a look and see if i can implement this in the near future. Thanks for your input, I will keep you updated!
Dear aganemnam, I am involved in several projects at the moment and have some tough timings. I am trying to dive into it within the next weeks, but unfortunately i...
Hey there! As you don't have any elements inside your view, the height ends up being 0. If you want to test an empty view, you would have to set...