Max Westen

Results 5 comments of Max Westen

Same here.... Added the podcasts on the 14th of may (imported them via AntennaPod) and still show as unknown. Most of the added ones are Dutch Podcasts that weren't already...

It seems like it tries to find a predefined reproject code in the `crs-defs` file that is not there, so the program breaks. Insteat it should check for the existance...

Adding a blank `csr-defs.json` file in the global `node_modules/minify-geojson/dist` folder did not work. Adding the _old_ `dist/crs-defs.json` from history did work!

Had the same problems. Restarted the system. Now the hassio_supervisor docker instance keeps starting and halting after about 7 seconds, to try to restart again, to halt again, etc. The...

Thanks for pushing me in the right direction @apfelflo89 I indeed was running an old version of docker (v 19.03.15) on Debian buster. I assumed that it got updated with...