Michel Wermelinger
Michel Wermelinger
I have a file with 4137 words and in the settings I have put a reading speed of 35 words per minute. It's a pedagogical text and I want to...
My mkdocs.yml file includes something like: ```yaml nav: - Introduction: - Home: index.md - Examples and Templates: example-essays.md - getting-started.md - Templates: - Intro Prog: examples/template-intro-programming.ipynb - DSA: examples/template-data-structures.ipynb ```...
The last link in the README is broken. Add the text that was linked to, to README or a new .md file.
I've the latest pytype 2024.4.11, which requires networkx < 3.2. Running some of my code leads to a bumpy deprecation error that is solved by upgrading to networkx 3.3. Would...