Michael Werle

Results 13 comments of Michael Werle

I've been mostly working on Windows recently (I miss my Linux!!) so possibly a "\r\n" vs "\n" issue (I put "\n" into the description) . Would have thought it would...

As far as messaging on install or upgrade we should ensure we ONLY message Very Important things, otherwise users will very quickly become immune and just "click-through". Ie, limit these...

In general very good idea (I've thought about something similar, shipping a small script/utility to update a save-game), but in general as far as popping up dialogs etc on install,...

> The other option would be to include multiple cmdr names in a single json file. Probably safest, generate a uuid (or calculate a hash) over the Commander name and...

NB: This fixes the log errors, but breaks the color picker in-game. It appears it can no longer instantiate the HSVPicker from the prefab (possibly because the namespace has changed;...

> Does this log entry actually affect anything? I'm not sure; never noticed it prior to 1.8.x so assumed it was a new issue introduced by the change in Unity....

Not being able to override ship names anymore is a right royal pita for any long-term explorers who haven't been able to bane their ships in-game yet, and won't be...

This is not correct; only top-level directories are detected as a mod. However by having the condition on an additional configuration snippet instead of on the main PART definition does...

++for this feature. I'd like to be able to give my users full editing capabilities for their own albums. Unfortunately the last time I raised this it was not really...

So much this. The user upload plugin falls FAR short of what true multi-user upload support should be. It's a stop-gap bandaid offering the barest basics which are not even...