Max Waibel
Max Waibel
This is the userland implementation of mentioned in the issue description. While it’s not implemented in TypeScript, I’d appreciate it being here.
I believe the issue stems from the fact that npm changed how it resolved peer dependencies starting from version 7 ( Instead of using the `--force` flag, `--legacy-peer-deps` suffices. You...
If you would like to report a bug, report a bug with a clear reproduction and expected/actual results. Your rant isn’t going to help anyone.
I would like to add the request to add _all_ values, also computed ones, as CSS variables to the `html` scope. (The issue is very similar, so I hope it’s...
I installed the standalone version of DBeaver 24.1.4 using the [*.deb installer]( on a Linux Mint where it was never installed before and dbeaver repeatedly crashes. Attached is the most...