
Results 14 comments of mvincm

Hello, How can I help? Best regards, MvincM

Ok... so my first test (second test I will do later) was made on: - uhttpd server run on virtual machine under windows (not ESP32 !!!) - guest system is...

Hello, next part of tests, this time on ESP32. - ESP-WROOM-32 - DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 - MicroPython: esp32-20180117-v1.9.3-240-ga275cb0f.bin - newest uasyncio from official repo - newest uhttpd -...

And... I can confirm! On ESP8266 the error/crash could be reproduced. Only one client can work at time. Second will crash system. Hardware: - LoLin new NodeMcu V3 - micropython:...

Yeep, I have used yours code form here: issuecomment-357841782

Hello ! Any news? ;)

Hello, Any news after one year? ;) M

Ok, I can understand your situation. I start to write my own http server (as simple as possible but more complex than original micropython example). BTW... At least Chrome after...

Thanks for replay ! You are 100% correct, I was using old version so I start to do my modification on current version ( 68c22840e763796cfe12099cd8404adf181bcbc2) but... after fresh installation of...

Hello. I tried myself to solve the issue but it seems that my Python skills are to low... Could you help? Thanks in advanced. MvincM