Marcus Vaal
Marcus Vaal
@pdrastil I tried several things to get this to work properly, including your suggestion. Changing the unfortunately breaks naming on a bunch of other things because the chart appends...
I am going to close this out due to time.
Not related to the above, but we think this popped up somewhere in our upgrade (we did a huge upgrade from 0.12.1 -> 7.1.1 at some point). Originally, the order...
It seems like regardless of it even being 1 replica, the problem still exists because when the pod updates (version update, deployment roll, etc...) it inevitably has 2 pods running...
I have drafted proposed changes here:
No problem. I will take a look tomorrow and see what I am missing and write the blurb. As I mentioned in the comment it will be new as a...
### :pencil: Description - Made the resource naming more configurable in case there is governance in place in the cluster that requires certain naming conventions on resources - Added ServiceAccounts...