Addendum: I have restored the data backup earlier, which I made yesterday before the update. After that, the submenus didn't open, but I still couldn't edit the page. I tried...
Hello , I have only given you the homepage link so that you can see, when you call up the page, that the submenus open briefly and then disappear...
Hello Vijeta, Have you been able to take a look at my new inputs from gesetern and do you have an idea how to solve this? I have already publicly...
Today there was an Update from Elementor, but it´s always the same. Please give me Feedback. Thanks!
hello, I already opened a ticket, now just another one. I reverted the update yesterday, which is why you can't see the error anymore. I just installed the update again....
Hallo zusammen, das Bearbeiten der Kopf-und Fusszeile geht bei mir nun wieder. Es gab ja einige Updates zwischenzeitlich von "Elementor-Header-Footer-Builder!, da wurde das scheinbar behoben. Allerdings ist das Problem mit...