Regardless of the previous version or the latest version, the execution result of the client.c executable program provided by the c API is different each time. There are three situations...
root@VM-0-14-ubuntu:/Packet/mvfst/_build/build/quic/samples# ./echo -mode server -host 127.1 -port 3333 -v=4 E0416 10:13:34.588210 163980 EventHandler.cpp:141] initHandler called on registered handler; aborting *** Aborted at 1618539214 (Unix time, try 'date -d @1618539214') ***...
您好,性能测试中pingpong中接受字节数,是通过Buffer * buf->readableBytes();获取的,当发送数据量接近或超过带宽,这个buf->readableBytes();读到的值是偏大的,原因就在于可能存在上一次未发送完毕的数据,重复计算了。