Thank you so much for the reply! I'm sure streaming is playing a role, but it can't be the major cause, since the difference between fzy and fzf on ``...
Awesome, thank you! Yeah, it's a bit of an untypical use case. However, all the unique features of fzf make it a powerful multi purpose search tool, so this use...
From what I understand, the screenshot shows multiple commits as the command was run on multiple lines.
Change line 21 (which is: `cmd = "git show --name-status " \`) to `cmd = "git show -p " \`.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته آمين وإياكم I'm not sure, this file was by @thecashewtrader. Those values can easily be corrected with or
I made a small tool to convert between surah/ayah and ayah id. Once you have the surah and ayah, you can copy the chars from ![Screen Shot 2021-12-09...
Similarly, Arabic has a few letters that should match each other, e.g. ا == أ for searching purposes.
I'm affected by this as well. Would be nice to be able to pass in an extension, eg `--extension=sqlite3`.
ءَآلْـَٰٔنَ Occurs twice in سورة يونس.
بوركت. I'm curious, is that spelling "valid"? In that, is that join one of the hamzah's joining rules?