Ahmad Musaffa

Results 49 comments of Ahmad Musaffa

The addon may need a rewrite or `nonce` feature of CSP can be utilized to white list this specific script.

Sure. I will look into it.

@JoshSmith The current implementation heavily relies on inline scripting as it returns a script tag using `contentFor`. Using `nonce` is a no-go, because nonce is a random number which should...

Nonce and SHA hash are ways to do this job. But their implementations can be a bit difficult. My custom implementation is way simpler and does the job that I...

I completely agree with @webark. Here are my pain points with `ember-component-css` and `ember-css-modules`. I like both of them, but unfortunately I cannot use them right now. I use `Emblem`...

For this template: ``` Handlebars Normal button Success button Danger button ``` I want to write like this: ``` Haml / emblem button.button Normal button button.button.button--state-success Success button button.button.button--state-danger Danger...

The relevant part of the error message and stack trace: ```sh lib/shrine/plugins/instrumentation.rb:15:in `configure': uninitialized constant ActiveSupport (NameError) uploader.opts[:instrumentation][:notifications] ||= ::ActiveSupport::Notifications ```

It was trying to disable logging in test. I know it's possible to load test environment without the instrumentation plugin. I wonder whether ActiveSupport::Notification as the default notification provider can...

I'm a little busy at this moment. When I become free, I'll submit a PR. Please keep this issue open.