Mateusz Łapsa-Malawski
Mateusz Łapsa-Malawski
Does it work with IE6?
Django 1.3 introduces STATIC_URL as a standard approach for app static files. So from now on there are two paths for not dynamic files: MEDIA_URL - more like uploaded files...
We are finding --enable-relative-links very useful, however we can't use it at our scale. Every time we publish a page that has internal links, md2cf will 1st upload a new...
Intermittently when syncing 120 elements folders I get error: ``` 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: - b'{"statusCode":500,"message":"org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as...
mermaid is a standard github way to embed diagrams it would be amazing if e.g. confluence page were to render diagrams properly I can see 2 options: 1. using confluence...
To really use Automerge for Text editor one needs to keep cursor position updated while remote changes are arriving. One way of doing it is to expose 2 functions to...
Is Map something that can be exposed to the library user? I'm looking to store in a Document something along the lines: ``` { 'CardID_X': { 'results' : [ {...
Env: Architecture M1 Mac Xcode Version 14.2 (14C18) MacOS 13.1 (22C65) When trying to build the Playground I get: ``` Ld /Users/munhitsu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FlashNotes3-bfutjoangrvkkqcnpyshdqwjrnng/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Playgrounds/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Automerge.o normal (in target 'Automerge' from project 'Automerge') cd...
It seems that either "val.initial = val.clean(val.initial)" is django overuse or there is an issue with django since quite long for BooleanField. Meanwhile it might be useful not to use...
Do you plan ForeignKey support (I might be missign someting)? A good example would be a default image for ecommerce site. Settings could return ORM object for configured default image.