Diego Tonini
Diego Tonini
Do Someone solve it?
Why this is not merged?
I use stable ids and work well. Only Dissmis cause crash
I agree with you. Every time I need to "debug" my params I have to use hashMap and pass to client a new RequstParams(myHashMap)
@Jay2113 I confirm that this "trick" does not work for me. "Update" button stays on "loading" state also after 30 minutes. No changes in the site.
Yes. d2skhgz4a0rx0t 20 minutes ago I tried to remove and attach staging branch without results.
I tried it. Also removed staging branch. Tomorrow I will retry
@Jay2113 We tried these 3 steps. I have to add an extra step (commit sometings on staging). Now seems to work (I probably do a check for future commit to...
Since how many days did you see this error? 1 - Maybe. But in the amplify dashboard where can I see this bucket? 2 and 3. Probably I have to...
I think is related with [this](https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-hosting/issues/2987) In fact some deploy (I change only a basic js file) produce a "green" deploy but the site did not reflect the change :)