This still exists in `Server Version: 19.03.13-beta2` I was able to resolve this by changing my credentials-store in docker config. Also, had to reinstall docker-credentials-helper. docker logout and docker login.
Same problem.
What are the ROI and measurements? Any prior experience with Open source and communities?
@bajpaigarima : One feedback, for question 1(free form text box), can we draft it in a way where we get more insights for the people filling out surveys. For eg....
@chitritachakravarti : Do you want me to review once the updates are done ? (w.r.t. feedback provided above)
I have a similar use case as @McAnix : DId you get a solution to this?
Still getting this error. /Applications/Pulsar.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/src/decoration-manager.js:220 [Hide Stack Trace](https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/issues/134#) Error: Cannot decorate a destroyed marker at DecorationManager.decorateMarker (/Applications/Pulsar.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/src/decoration-manager.js:208:21) at TextEditor.decorateMarker (/Applications/Pulsar.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/src/text-editor.js:2797:35) at GitDiffView.markRange (git-diff-view.js:264:17) at GitDiffView.updateDiffs (git-diff-view.js:247:25)