Former Not Wannabe Lord Paramount of the Wkwkland

Results 7 issues of Former Not Wannabe Lord Paramount of the Wkwkland

Xcodeproj and Xcworkspace files should be ignored to avoid difficult conflict resolution. The solution is to use spec to generate these files. I personally use Xcodegen in my project for...

Hello! I am trying to import CouchbaseLite/Swift macOS framework to no avail. ## carthage BUILD ``` load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:apple.bzl", "apple_dynamic_framework_import", "apple_static_framework_import") apple_dynamic_framework_import( name = "CouchbaseLiteSwift", framework_imports = glob(["Build/Mac/CouchbaseLiteSwift.framework/**"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"] )...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm always frustrated when click to any location to do spoofing but no feedback wether I do it right or...


Although ```swift public static func chdir(_ path: String = "~", closure: (() -> T)) -> T { let pwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(path) let result = closure() Dir.chdir(pwd) return result }...

I am going to use this library but my application use sdk 19. Do you have certain reason why this library minimum sdk is 23?

Is there any possibility which user can have custom functions to be invoked during template creation? Or is there any feature which user can avoid typing some ruled string which...

I think this template is great for a sidepanel based chrome extension tool. But one thing that I notice is that this source code doesn't have any license file. Do...