Michal Mühlpachr
Michal Mühlpachr
I am unable to start concentratord for RAK2287 USB GPS EU868 on RPi armv7hf ``` sudo ./chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302 -c concentratord.toml ... WARNING: MCU version mismatch (expected:01.00.00, got:V00.02.06) INFO: Concentrator MCU version...
MQTT client over WebSocket HTTP/HTTPS (ws, wss) Various Wifi networks allows only TCP port 80+433 connectivity. SigV4 for AWS IoT https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/protocols.html
CH340G is 5V powered and thus pushing 5V level (through R12 ~4.3V) into ESP12 on RXD0 instead of 3.3V level.